NOBIDA offers multiple resources, educational events, and an optimistic support network for dyslexic individuals and all advocates seeking a better understanding of dyslexia. Comprised of educators, researchers, and invested community members, we pledge to work tirelessly until everyone can read.

We are a branch of the International Dyslexia Association with an active and passionate board and we serve the northern Ohio community. Whether you are dyslexic or know someone who is dyslexic, we are here to offer hope, support, and resources to help you on your journey.

How do experts determine which literacy strategies will help those with dyslexia?

This is an important question and the answer is found in research. NOBIDA promotes literacy instruction and resources based on quantitative research and we want you to understand how these are developed.

Learn the important differences between qualitative and quantitative research studies and how these inform effective literacy instruction for individuals with dyslexia.

Why the Type of Research Matters 
Find Resources to Support Literacy Development


The International Dyslexia Association:
To create a future for all individuals who struggle with dyslexia and other related reading differences so that they may have richer, more robust lives and access to the tools and resources they need.

IDA Branch of Northern Ohio:
To offer hope, education, and the opportunity for personal success to people with dyslexia and those who interact with them in northern Ohio.


  • Raise awareness about dyslexia and the laws that pertain to it.
  • Advocate for disseminating and implementing evidence-based, quantitative research in the science of reading.
  • Advocate for the early identification of dyslexia and the implementation of structured literacy programs to improve the literacy outcomes for all learners in our educational system.


  • Advocate for the science of reading to be taught to our future teachers in higher education programs.
  • Offer dyslexia simulations to school districts.
  • Host structured literacy workshops and professional development opportunities for teachers.
  • Host an annual conference to disseminate the most current dyslexia research, information, and community support.
  • Help our community understand appropriate instruction and accommodations for all struggling readers, especially those with dyslexia and other language-based learning differences.
  • Provide resources to parents to help them navigate and advocate within the educational system to obtain aligned services for their children.
  • Empower our community with the knowledge to advocate for the implementation of structured literacy programs within their schools.

Our Leadership Represents

  • Local school districts
  • Educational service centers
  • Ohio Department of Education
  • State Advisory Panel for Exceptional Children (SAPEC)
  • Universities
  • Parents, Tutors, Advocates
  • Organizations focused on improving literacy for all, especially those with dyslexia and other language-based learning disorders.